The London Open 2018 - Whitechapel Gallery

The London Open 2018

  • This_Much_Im_Worth_2017_Ara_Rachel-11_web_detail

    Rachel Ara, This Much I’m Worth (The self-evaluating artwork), 2017, 83 pieces of neon, steel, recycled server room equipment, electronics, computers, IP cameras, programming, 420 cm x 160 cm x 90 cm. Photo Credit: Anise Gallery

Past Exhibition

This exhibition was on 8 Jun - 26 Aug 2018

The London Open 2018

8 June  – 26 August 2018

The London Open 2018 brings together critical and dynamic art that reflects on the experience of living in a global city now. This triennial open submission exhibition features 22 artists working across painting, sculpture, performance and video.

Artists: Larry Achiampong, Rachel Ara, Gabriella Boyd, Hannah Brown, Rachael Champion, Gary Colclough, George Eksts, Ayan Farah, French & Mottershead, Vikesh Govind, Richard Healy, Des Lawrence, Tom Lock, Céline Manz, Uriel Orlow, Rachel Pimm, Renee So, Alexis Teplin, Elisabeth Tomlinson, Jonathan Trayte, Tom Varley and Andrea Luka Zimmerman.

Online Works

These artists have created online artworks alongside works in the Galleries.


French & Mottershead

Homebody, 2018, audio, 27 mins

Homebody envisions the afterlife of a human body. This new audio work invites the listener to lie in their own bed, in their own home and imagine it is their body, surrounded by familiar objects.

Click the image to listen.


Céline Manz

Rythme san fin, Hyperlink Library Beta

See research on the history behind Robert and Sonia Delaunay’s recurring motif Endless Rhythm.

If viewing on a mobile device, please click here.


With generous support from:
Ravi Chidambaram and Yana Fray, Evgeny Tugolukov and Natalya Pavchinskaya

Artworks available

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