Twilight: The Last of the Light

  • twilight-1990

    Still from: Twilight (1990) by György Fehér

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Past Event

This event was on Thurs 3 December, 7pm

Join a rare screening of Hungarian director György Fehér’s film noir classic Twilight (1990). The event launches Peter Davidson’s new book The Last of the Light: About Twilight, a meditation on twilight in Western arts and imagination.

The evening opens with Susu Laroche’s short film Byrne, relaying the life, career and death of London giant Charles Byrne in three psychedelic minutes.

In association with Reaktion Books and The Liberated Film Store.


About the Film

Gyorgy Feher – known for his collaborations with Bela Tarr – would only make two feature films in his short lifetime, widely unavailable and never, ever shown. Twilight is the illegitimate child of Jim Thompson and Tarr, locked into a Hungarian nightmare. If True Detective was stripped of dialogue, set in an Eastern European hell-hole in 1992, and revolved around the never-ending shadow of a little girl with a pocket full of chocolate hedgehogs… it might be Twilight.

The Liberated Film Store










The Last of the Light: About Twilight  is available at the Whitechapel Gallery bookshop to coincide with the event. Hardback. Price £20.00.

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