First Thursdays: January 2017

  • Image of late night visitors at Whitechapel Gallery First Thursdays

    Whitechapel Gallery First Thursdays

Past Event

This event was on Thu 5 Jan, 6-9pm

Join us for a special late night opening this First Thursday.


Last chance to see the major exhibition William Kentridge: Thick Time. Tickets from £11.95/£9.50 concs. Free with membership. Book Now

Also, don’t miss our free exhibitions and displays including: Guerrilla Girls: Is it even worse in Europe?Barjeel Art Foundation Collection: Mapping the Contemporary II and Samson Kambalu: Introduction to Nyau Cinema


The Vinyl Factory present a brand new William Kentridge limited edition record, featuring sleeve artwork by the artist and music by South African composer and musician Neo Muyanga. Price: £20.00, edition of 300.

A limited edition of 50 signed records including a unique drawing by the artist are also available.


Live DJ set from The Vinyl Factory in the foyer.


The First Thursdays Bus Tour and Walking Tour will resume in February 2017.

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