Filming Abstraction

  • Dóra Maurer, Seven Rotations 1 -6, 1979

    Dóra Maurer, Seven Rotations 1–6, 1979. Six gelatin silver prints, 20 × 20 cm each, Collection of Zsolt Somlói and Katalin Spengler © Dóra Maurer

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Past Event

This event was on Saturday 21 February, 1.45 - 6pm

Complementing the Whitechapel Gallery’s major survey of abstraction: Adventures of the Black Square: Abstract Art and Society 1915 -2015. This special day of film screenings will explore artist film-makers’ responses to the four themes in the exhibition: Architectronics, Communication, the Everyday and Utopia. Featuring works from leading contemporary artist film-makers such as Elizabeth Price and Mark Leckey, the day will include commentary and conversation with some of the featured artist film-makers, providing an in-depth look at abstract film being made today.

The day begins with a classic early work by Harry Smith, followed by premieres from Liberate Tate and Manu Luksch & Mukul Patel. There will be screenings of works by: Sebastian Buerkner, Ellard & Johnstone, Mark Leckey, Elizabeth Price, Naheed Raza, Samantha Rebello, Tereza Stehlikova and Rehana Zaman. As well as a collective conversation between George Barber, Laura Buckley, Jesc Bunyard, Hannah Davey, Ian Helliwell, Jessica Sarah Rinland and John Smith who will also show films.

The event will close with a screening of one of Stan Brakhage’s seminal works.

Thanks to Adam Pugh for programming advice.

Programme details

1.45pm Introductions and premiere of Hidden Figures, Liberate Tate

1.50pm Early Abstractions, Harry Smith

2.15pm Everyday

Untitled (Blocks, Cross, Square), 3 films, Jesc Bunyard

The Object Which Thinks Us, Samantha Rebello

Netball, Rehana Zaman

Escape the Light, Ian Helliwell

Darse Cuenta, Jessica Sarah Rinland

March of the Big White Barbarians, Mark Leckey

The Very Very End,  George Barber

3.00pm Architectronics

Sand,  Naheed Raza

The Black Tower, John Smith

3.35pm Break

4.05pm Communications

Real Time, / Manu Luksch & Mukul Patel

Time to Readjust, Ian Helliwell

Weresheglanspertheere, Sebastian Buerkner

Digital Skin, Laura Buckley

Molecular Feedback, Ian Helliwell

User Group Disco, Elizabeth Price

4.40pm Panel discussion with George Barber, Laura Buckley, Jesc Bunyard, Hannah Davey & Mika Kemper, Ian Helliwell and John Smith.

5.10pm Utopia

Proposal for an Unmade Film, Ellard & Johnstone

The Perpetual, Tereza Stehlikova

Dante Quartet, Stan Brakhage