Jonas Lund Portrait

Q&A: Jonas Lund

Artist Jonas Lund discusses data, the art market as subject matter and A/B testing with...

By Séamus McCormack in Q&A on

A picture of artist Joan Jonas performing at HANGAR BICOCCA

Q&A: Joan Jonas

The Duchamp & Sons Youth Forum, interview pioneering American artist Joan Jonas, on the occasion of...

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Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Photo: Marcus Leith,

Q&A: Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Q&A Lynette Yiadom-Boakye and Habda Rashid Artist Lynette Yiadom-Boakye discusses Natures, Natural and Unnatural, her selection...

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Tom Pigeon Summer 2014_05_web

Q&A: Pete Thomas from Creative Studio Tom Pigeon

Q&A Pete Thomas from Creative Studio Tom Pigeon Tom Pigeon, a creative studio founded by...

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photo 3

Q&A: Fiona Banner on ‘Stamp Out Photographie’

Q&A Fiona Banner on ‘Stamp Out Photographie’ Fiona Banner is the second artist to take...

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Mike Nelson selects from the V-A-C collection at Whitechapel Gallery. Installation view c. Photo Geoff Caddick

Q&A: Mike Nelson on ‘Again, more things (a table ruin)’

Q&A Mike Nelson on ‘Again, more things (a table ruin) The artist Mike Nelson discusses...

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