Deadweight - Glossary of Terms - Whitechapel Gallery

Dominique White: Deadweight
Glossary of Terms

Dominique White during her Italian residency inside the museum of La Lanterna, Genoa, 2023. Photo: TIWI


‘’Blackness’ refers to the lived experience and political context of people racialised as Black.  This includes the aspects of [our] lives that [we] haven’t necessarily signed up for, like being seen as Black in the first place’   

– George The Poet


In a maritime context, deadweight refers to the total weight that a ship can safely carry. This includes the weight of cargo, fuel, passengers, crew, provisions, and ballast water. Deadweight is a measure of a ship’s capacity and is an important factor in maritime operations. Deadweight is crucial for determining a ship’s stability, safety, and economic viability. Overloading a ship beyond its deadweight capacity can compromise its structural integrity and safety.


Hydrarchy refers to the social and political structures related to maritime life and the sea. Historically, it has been used to describe the power dynamics and social organisation of maritime communities, including sailors and pirates. This is often contrasted with the hierarchical structures on land.

Mediterranean Slave Trade 

The Mediterranean slave trade refers to the historical trade of enslaved people within and around the Mediterranean region. This includes the trade and movement of enslaved Africans, particularly between the 15th and 19th centuries.

Dominique White at her studio in Todi, Italy, 2024. Photo: Zouhair Bellahmar


Utopia is an ideal or perfect place, state, or society where everything is designed to be perfect, harmonious, and equitable. The term was coined by Sir Thomas More in his 1516 book “Utopia,” depicting an imaginary and ‘ideal’ island

Utopian Science Fiction 

Utopian Science Fiction is a subgenre of science fiction that explores idealised and perfect societies. It often serves as a critique of contemporary social, political, or economic systems by contrasting them with the depicted utopia.

.This glossary of terms has been authored by Katrina Schwarz, Curator: Special Projects at Whitechapel Gallery.


Afro-pessimism is a theoretical framework that interprets the ongoing effects of racial discrimination and historical enslavement on Black people. It often highlights the pervasive and systemic nature of anti-Blackness in society and views Black suffering as a foundational aspect of modernity.


Afrofuturism is a cultural, aesthetic, and critical movement that combines elements of science fiction, historical fiction, speculative fiction, fantasy, and Afrocentrism. It explores the intersection of African diasporic culture with technology and envisions alternative futures influenced by African heritage.



Detail of Deadweight in Dominique White’s Todi studio, 2024. Photo: Zouhair Bellahmar


Oxidisation/ Oxidation 

Oxidation refers to a chemical reaction in which a substance loses electrons, often involving the addition of oxygen or the removal of hydrogen. This process can result in rusting of metals, spoilage of food, and various biological processes in living organisms.


Statelessness is the condition of not being considered a national by any state under the operation of its laws. A stateless person does not have citizenship in any country, which can lead to significant legal and social disadvantages.


Dominique White during her Italian residency at Palazzo Butera, Palermo, 2023. Photo: TIWI