Whitechapel Gallery Youth Takeover (Low Res)-128

15 – 24? Interested in art and collaborating with other creatives? Our youth collective, Duchamp & Sons, might be what you’re looking for.

How to get involved?

There are normally opportunities to join Duchamp & Sons in September when some of our current group members move on from the group and so a few spaces open up in the collective.

To apply, you’ll need to complete a short form, and then, as long as you’re eligible, we’ll invite you to join a Taster Evening.

At our Taster Evenings you can discover what the youth collective has to offer through a workshop with current members. As the group is often oversubscribed, we also use these evenings to help us select who will be offered a place to join the group. 

Applications are currently open to join Duchamp & Sons and our next Taster Evening will take place in September 2024. 

What does being part of the group involve?

  • Attending regular Duchamp & Sons sessions which take place 2-3 times per month on Wednesday evenings from 5pm-7pm.
  • Collaborating with peers, artists and other creative practitioners to develop projects.
  • Meeting other young people and making new friends.
  • Gaining new skills and learning about creative careers through making art, curating exhibitions, and producing events and other projects.
  • Taking part in gallery and studio visits across London.


Who can get involved?

  • No previous art experience is necessary! We’re simply looking for people interested in working on creative projects, and finding out more about contemporary art.
  • You need to be aged 15-24 to join the collective. We are particularly interested in hearing from those aged 15-19, so that you can be part of the group for several years.
  • You need to be based in London to get involved. We encourage participation from young people living in East London and those from underrepresented backgrounds in the arts