Dan Walwin: Enclosures and Desertion

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    Bridge with sound, 2018 © the artist

  • 01

    hd live tame, 2017 © the artist

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    Show called spies, 2017 © the artist

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Past Event

This event was on Thu 4 Apr 2019, 7pm

For Enclosures and desertion, Amsterdam-based artist Dan Walwin will present a segue of works produced between 2013-2019, across sound and video.

A silent presence lingers above the early morning leftovers of a countryside rave, before intruding upon the scene. A mechanical butterfly agitatedly strikes continually at its own reflection in an unoccupied apartment, a dog barks at its own echo. Roving cameras and microphones watching (and being watched by) an audience at an outdoor exhibition in the rain.

These works concentrate on harnessing and channelling observed visceral qualities, often seemingly drawn to sensations that particular forms of “containment” produce. They pay close attention to movements of subjects, (also often being the embodied camera itself), swaying between the erratic and the hypnotic, and directly employing those remnants of the perverse process of containment.

The screening is followed by a Q&A with Shama Khanna, who commissioned a new work of Walwin’s for a recently re-launched iteration of Flatness (flatness.eu)

Works within the screening have been made possible with generous support from the Mondriaan Fund.

This event is included in our Thursday Lates offer: book your ticket for the event together with admission for Is This Tomorrow? and save £4.95/£1.50 concs, plus receive a free drink at the Whitechapel Refectory.

About Dan Walwin

Dan Walwin studied at Goldsmiths College, London, and was resident artist at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam. Shows include Winds at Cell Project Space, London and Sun room at P/////AKT, Amsterdam in 2015, and Show called spies, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam and Lurkier crush of the rail, CIAP, Hasselt, in 2017. Most recently Bridge with sound was a commission for À Cris Ouverts, the 6th Rennes Biennale, in 2018. He will present a solo show True place at the CCA Prague in 2019.

About Shama Khanna

Shama Khanna is an independent curator, writer and educator born in Nairobi and based in London. Currently Khanna curates Flatness and the artists’ moving image series, Non-Linear. Screening and discussion events have taken place at international venues including: Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen; Chisenhale Gallery and Auto Italia in London; Palais de Tokyo in Paris; Moderna Museet, Malmö; LIMA, Amsterdam; Western Front, Vancouver; Microscope, New York; Rupert, Vilnius; warehouse, Berlin; LUX Scotland and CCA, Glasgow.

Khanna teaches on the MA Experimental Film course at Kingston University, the Curating Contemporary Art MA programme at the Royal College of Art. Recent texts have been published by NANG, Art Monthly, The White Review, LUX, Documenta 14 and Aorist, co-edited with 7 other writers. Khanna is a Trustee of not/no.w.here cooperative, an Arts Adviser for Jerwood Arts and a writer-in-residence across Afterall and Shades of Noir.