Felix Melia: The Height We Lose…

Writer in Residence

  • Image of Felix Melia, Ozu

    Felix Melia, Ozu’s Arsehole (2016) video still

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Past Event

This event was on Thu 11 Feb, 7pm

In the first live event of his Whitechapel Gallery residency, London-based artist and Writer in Residence Felix Melia presents his new film Ozu’s Arsehole (2016). With music, ambient sound and conversational dialogue, this performative screening immerses the audience while making them aware of their physical presence within the space.

Titled The Height We Lose When Our Feet Pound The Pavement and The Height We Gain When We’re Lying In Bed Are Symptoms of One Another, the event continues Melia’s ongoing investigation into the relationship between corporeal and collective movement; self-presentation; and the preservation and destruction of the body within contemporary living spaces.

About Felix Melia

London-based artist Felix Melia is Whitechapel Gallery’s Writer in Residence until June 2016.

Using video, text and installation, Melia examines the conflict between our first-hand experiences and the narratives we use to represent them. Over a series of events Melia explores how changes in a virtually-inclined world impact on our bodies and the places we live; reflecting on the relationship between physical  and social movement, the abstraction of self and the shifting nature of representation.

Find out more about the Whitechapel Gallery’s Writer in Residence programme.