Meet The Staff

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This event was on 27 July | 2-4pm 

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Meet the Staff

27 July | 2-4pm

Aged 15-24? Interested in a future working in galleries or the creative sector? Join us for an afternoon at Whitechapel Gallery where you can find out more about the different roles, pathways, and ways of working in art and cultural spaces.

Over the session you’ll get to chat with staff from across Whitechapel Gallery, working in departments ranging from Education to Communications, Exhibitions to Visitor Services, and several others. They’ll be there to answer your questions, and share insights into what their current role involves, what their pathway to working in the creative sector looked like, and more.

Whether you already have an area you’re interested in, or are completely new to Creative Careers, this is a space for you to ask questions and find out more.

What if I’m interested in being an artist, rather than working at a gallery? Many staff at Whitechapel Gallery also work as artists and freelance creatives (as writers, curators, and more), alongside their roles at the gallery. Come along to ask them about their experiences!

Find out more about our Youth Programme for 15-24s and our youth collective Duchamp & Sons here.

Please email Amelia Oakley, Curator: Youth Programmes on if you have any questions or access requirements you would like to discuss ahead of this event.