Translation - Whitechapel Gallery


Sophie J Williamson with Simona Škrabec

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Past Event

This event was on Thu 21 Nov, 7pm


Join Sophie J Williamson, curator and guest editor of Translation,  in conversation with Simona Škrabec Chair of PEN’s Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee to consider the societal impacts and cultural questions surrounding translation in its various forms. Preempting the social implications of imminent ecological migration on an unprecedented scale, this event will discuss disjuncture, misunderstandings, loss, fragility, plurality, poetics, invention, possibility and the importance of translation in building empathy in an increasingly precarious and divided world.

This event launches Translation, the latest in the Documents of Contemporary Art series of anthology, co-published by Whitechapel Gallery and MIT Press.

About Sophie J Williamson

Sophie J Williamson is Programme Curator (Exhibitions) at Camden Arts Centre, London. She has written for friezeArt Monthly, and Aesthetica, and was the first recipient of the Gasworks Curatorial Fellowship in 2016/17, through which she built a body of research on cultural translation and molecular curation.