Commissions from Performa’s Archives - Whitechapel Gallery

Commissions from Performa’s Archives

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    Robin Rhode, Arnold Schönberg’s Erwartung – A Performance by Robin Rhode 2015, A Performa 15 Commission, Performance view, Courtesy of Performa Photo: Paula Court

Past Exhibition

This exhibition was on 6 Sep 2017 - 4 Mar 2018

Commissions from Performa’s Archives

6 September 2017 – 4 March 2018

Start time 11.10am daily

Pantomime horses, a harp and brass marching band, a caped prom queen adorned in flowers and more accompany artist Mike Kelley (b. 1954, USA) wearing a floppy straw hat. This satirical half-time basketball musical, Extracurricular Activity Projective Reconstruction # 32 Plus, was commissioned by Performa and staged at Judson Church on Washington Square South in 2009.

Founded in 2004 by renowned historian and curator, RoseLee Goldberg, Performa influenced the direction of museums and biennials by incorporating historical and newly commissioned live art within a network of public and private venues. Since its inception the biennial has presented over 64 new works, and over 450 artists have collaborated with numerous curators to stage extraordinary cross-disciplinary events involving dance, film, music, architecture and food.

This exhibition is the first opportunity for audiences to access
Performa’s remarkable archive outside of New York and marks the global impact of performance in the twenty-first century. These significant documentary recordings explore how a time-based art form can be experienced again today.

Featuring Edgar Arceneaux, Jérôme Bel, Sanford Biggers, Candice Breitz, iona rozeal brown, Elmgreen and Dragset, Omer Fast, David Hallberg, Christian Jankowski, Isaac Julien, Jesper Just, Wyatt Kahn, Mike Kelley, Jon Kessler, Ragnar Kjartansson, Arto Lindsay, Liz Magic Laser, Russell Maliphant, Oscar Murillo, Kelly Nipper, Adam Pendleton, Yvonne Rainer, Raqs Media Collective, Robin Rhode, Mika Rottenberg, Francesco Vezzoli, Tori Wrånes

The Whitechapel Gallery archive exhibitions are generously supported by Catherine Petitgas.


Screenings start at 11.10am, Tues – Sun. See full programme below. 


Performa 05, 3 – 21 November 2005

Jesper Just (b. 1974, Denmark)
True Love is Yet to Come, 2005
Duration: 21min 47sec
Venue: Stephen Weiss Studio
Performa 07, 27 October – 20 November 2007

Francesco Vezzoli (b. 1971, Italy)
Right You Are (If You Think You Are), 2007
Duration: 01h 18min 05sec
Venue: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Christian Jankowski (b. 1968, Germany)
Rooftop Routine, 2007
Duration: 04min 27sec
Venue: 141 Division Street, rooftop and surrounds

Isaac Julien (b. 1960, UK) and Russell Maliphant (b. 1961, Canada)
Cast No Shadow, 2007
Duration: 01h 20min
Venue: Brooklyn Academy of Music

Sanford Biggers (b. 1970, USA)
The Somethin’ Suite, 2007
Duration: 27min 48sec
Venue: The Box

Kelly Nipper (b. 1971, USA)
Floyd on the Floor, 2007
Duration: 06min 03sec
Venue: The Judson Memorial Church

Yvonne Rainer (b. 1934, USA)
RoS Indexical, 2007
Duration: 42min 26sec
Venue: The Hudson Theatre


Performa 09, 1 – 22 November 2009

Arto Lindsay (b. 1953, USA)
Somewhere I Read, 2009
Duration: 22min 51sec
Venue: Times Square

Omer Fast (b. 1972, Israel)
Talk Show, 2009
Duration: 01h 05min 01sec
Venue: Abrons Arts Center

Candice Breitz (b. 1972, South Africa)
New York, New York, 2009
Four video interviews and a performance in two acts
Total duration: 50min 08sec
Venue: Abrons Arts Center

Mike Kelley (1954 – 2012, USA)
The Offer (Extracurricular Activity Projective Reconstruction #33), 2009
Duration: 01h 10min 25sec
Venue: The Judson Memorial Church


Performa 11, 1 – 24 November 2011

Ragnar Kjartansson (b. 1976, Iceland)
Bliss, 2011
Duration: 12 h
Excerpt: 11min 07sec (Friday)
Venue: Abrons Arts Center


Performa 11, 1 – 24 November 2011

Elmgreen (b. 1961, Denmark) & Dragset (b. 1969, Norway)
Happy Days in the Art World, 2011
Duration: 01h 16min 21sec
Venue: Skirball Center for the Performing Arts

Liz Magic Laser (b. 1981, USA)
I Feel Your Pain, 2011
Duration: 01h 21min 54sec
Venue: SVA Theatre

Ragnar Kjartansson (b. 1976, Iceland)
Bliss, 2011
Excerpt: 11min 07sec
Venue: Abrons Arts Center

Mika Rottenberg (b.1976, Argentina) & Jon Kessler (b.1956, USA)
New York Close Up + Seven, 2011
Duration: 07min 57sec + 37min 20sec
Venue: Nicole Klagsbrun Project Space + Filmed in the Republic of Botswana, Africa

iona rozeal brown (b.1966, USA)
battle of yestermore, 2011
Duration: 42min 26sec
Venue: Skylight West

Saturday and Sunday

Performa 13, 1 – 24 November 2013

Raqs Media Collective (est.1992, India)
The Last International, 2013
Duration: 43min 13sec
Venue: Connelly Theatre

Francesco Vezzoli (b. 1971, Italy) & David Hallberg (b. 1982, USA)
Fortuna Desperata, 2013
Duration: 01h 07min 16sec
Venue: St Bart’s Church

Performa 15, 1 – 22 November 2015

Wyatt Kahn (b. 1983, USA)
Work, 2015
Duration: 32min 58sec
Venue: Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre

Jérôme Bel (b. 1964, France)
Ballet (New York), 2015
Duration: 26min 01sec
Venue: Martha Graham Studio Theatre

Robin Rhode (b. 1976, South Africa)
Arnold Schoenberg’s Erwartung – A performance by Robin Rhode
Duration: 29min 53sec
Venue: Times Square

Oscar Murillo (b. 1986, Colombia)
Lucky dip, 2015
Duration: 04min 08sec
Venue: Alexander Hamilton U.S Custom House

Edgar Arceneaux (b. 1972, USA)
Until, Until, Until…, 2015
Duration: 51min 29sec
Venue: 3-LD

Tori Wånes (b. 1978, Norway)
Yes Nix, 2013
Duration: 30sec
Venue: SIR Stage 37


Roselee Goldberg

Big Ideas: RoseLee Goldberg

Thu 5 Oct, 7pm
£9.50/£7.50 concs

RoseLee Goldberg offers insights from her ground-breaking career.

Yvonne Rainer, RoS Idexical, 2007, A Performa Commission, Photo -® Paula Court.

Body as Archive

Sat 27 Jan, 3pm
£9.50/£7.50 concs

Panel discussion investigating the relationship between performance and memory.

Find out more

Read the press release