Musa paradisiaca, Yim Sui-Fong, Le Xuan Tien - Whitechapel Gallery

Musa paradisiaca, Yim Sui-Fong, Le Xuan Tien

  • BBI01

    Yim Sui-Fong, Blackbird Island , 2017, HD Video, sound, colour. Courtesy the artist

Past Exhibition

This exhibition was on 4 Dec 2018 – 27 Jan 2019

Artists’ Film International

Musa paradisiaca, Yim Sui-Fong, Le Xuan Tien

4 December 2018 – 27 January 2019

Musa paradisiaca is a collaborative duo named after a hybrid banana species. Their film, Masters of Velocity (2017), looks at objects and their environments, utilising dialogue and music to imagine how ‘a chain
of events breeds moving thought’.

In Black Bird Island (2017) Yim Sui-Fong (b. 1983, China) observes the pigeon colonies of Hong Kong following the 1997 handover of the island from Britain to China, linking the history of the birds and Hong Kongers through ‘bird’s eye’ and ‘people’s eye’ views.

Le Xuan Tien (b. 1995, Vietnam) sources videos and images from the less visible edges of the internet in Untitled.mp4 (2017) to construct a montage of sometimes disturbing and surreal scenarios that may or may not have taken place.

Musa paradisiaca selected by MAAT, Lisbon; Yim Sui-Fong by Para/Site, Hong Kong; Le Xuan Tien by Hanoi DOCLAB, Hanoi


About Artists’ Film International

Artists’ Film International celebrates moving image work selected by a global partnership of arts organisations. Each nominates an outstanding work from their region which is screened across each venue. Find out more.