Terrains of the Body: Photography from the National Museum of Women in the Arts

Terrains of the Body

  • Hellen van Meene artwork

    Hellen van Meene, Untitled (79), (2000), detail,National Museum of Women in the Arts, Gift of Heather and Tony Podesta Collection, Washington, D.C. © Hellen van Meene and Yancey Richardson Gallery. Photo: Lee Stalsworth.

Past Exhibition

Terrains of the Body:
Photography from the National Museum of Women in the Arts

18 January – 16 April 2017

Drawn from the National Museum of Women in the Arts (Washington, U.S.), this collection display showcases photography and video work by seventeen contemporary artists from around the world.

By turning their camera to women, including themselves, these artists embrace the female body as a vital medium for storytelling, expressing identity and reflecting individual and collective experience.

Featuring work by: Marina Abramović, Rineke Dijkstra, Anna Gaskell, Nan Goldin, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Candida Höfer, Icelandic Love Corporation, Mwangi Hutter, Kirsten Justesen, Justine Kurland, Nikki S. Lee, Hellen van Meene, Shirin Neshat, Daniela Rossell, Eve Sussman and the Rufus Corporation, Janaina Tschäpe and Adriana Varejão.

Exhibition organised by:
Whitechapel Gallery and the National Museum of Women in the Arts

Exhibition supported by:
UK Friends of NMWA and Jacqueline Badger Mars

Exhibition Circle:
Beth and Michele Colocci
Victoria Blake Firth
Belinda de Gaudemar
Catherine Petitgas
Laurel and John Rafter
Dasha Shenkman
Dana Snyder
Patti and George White