More in In Bloom

In Bloom

Beers London

10 September - 29 October

It seems appropriate that the title of Dermenzhi’s debut solo exhibition focuses on a word with such a romantic and loaded feeling. The word ‘bloom’, both a noun and a verb, suggests a grouping of flowers (n), which we see here in abundance (also one of bloom’s meanings); or to come into (one’s) fullness (v), which refers to both the paintings on display but also the process the young Moldovan artist has undergone to arrive at these exuberant, vibrant, and explosive works. On one level, these works are about flowers and colours and joy. But there is another exploratory line that we, as viewers, can almost trace seeing Dermenzhi develop into a powerful new painterly voice.

51 Little Britain, London, UK, EC1A 7BH


Wheelchair access

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