First Thursdays- NO ESCAPE at IMT Gallery


IMT Gallery

18 April - 15 May

Thompson and Craighead’s fictitious digital landscapes explore the conflict between the technological aspirations of billionaires and their inconsideration for others and the environment. A direct criticism of what they view as a milking of the resources of an otherwise “beautiful” earth the pair directly call out individuals such as Richard Branson, Walmart’s Walton family and other wealthy individuals in their explanation for the works.

The title directly references the current corporate space race and imply that the actions of these billionaires are rather motivated out of regret and hubris:
“They dream of a new life in orbit; a new life on the moon; on asteroids, and on the dead planet of Mars. They dream of leaving their mistakes behind and starting again. They dream and dream and dream but there is no escape. Back at Ground Zero, we live with their mistakes ever more divided, a little warmer every year.” – Thomson & Craighead (2022)

Unit 2, 210 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9NQ

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