More in ​There’s no way I can know it, the object, or the body

​There’s no way I can know it, the object, or the body

HOXTON 253 art project space

3 February - 26 February

This two-person show by artists Sophie Seita and Claire Zakiewicz explores the expressive possibilities of writing, drawing, and of writing-bodies, where expression or knowledge is always tied to a question of materiality. The works dissect forms of address, the possibilities for moving and being moved, through writing, painting, video installations, and performance. How can a work hold a moment, make it tangible, knowable?

Embedded in both ephemerality and abstraction, the multi-media exhibition featuring performance, painting, sound and moving image works also addresses ideas around immediacy and energy, time and motion, light and space, what’s observable and what’s imagined, what can be grasped and what remains projection.

The first exhibition part of our Hello Again, Hackney programme includes:

▸ Opening night & painting and sound performance by Claire Zakiewicz and Kuljit Bhamra / 3rd February
▸ Artists in conversation & performance by Sophie Seita / 18th February
▸ Family art workshop for Hackney residents / 20th February
▸ Queer writing and performance workshop for Hackney residents / 24th February

For more information and to RSVP the live events please visit

Exhibition runs: 4-26 February 2022 / Wed to Fri 1-7pm, Sat & Sun 11-5pm

The exhibition and associated programme are supported by and part of Hello Again, Hackney, the borough’s cultural reopening initiative.

HOXTON 253 art project space
Hoxton Street
N1 5LG

Please join us on Thursday 3 Feb 7-9 pm for the opening reception of ‘There’s no way I can know it, the object, or the body’, a two person show by Sophie Seita and Claire Zakiewicz.

The opening of the multi-media exhibition will start off with an improvised music and painting performance between Zakiewicz and award-winning composer and musician Kuljit Bhamra.
The artwork produced during the performance will become part of the exhibition and on view throughout the run of the show.


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