First Thursdays- we are made of star stuff at Hoxton 253 Art Project Space
More in we are made of star stuff

we are made of star stuff

HOXTON 253 art project space

3 March - 27 March

The exhibition WE ARE MADE OF STAR STUFF invites us to unearth the layered entanglements that exist between humans and their natural environment in the context of geological time.

Held by rocks, minerals, ice and the crust of the ground we walk on – our busy surface world percolates the evidence of slow ‘deep time’ processes that have the power to pull us in and reconnect us with the vanished worlds that came before our own, and with those yet to come. Measured in millions of years, this timescale reveals Earth as a monument of destruction and disruption where boundaries between the concepts of the past, present and future blur. Geology is a long-term commitment. It is a way of seeing the world across multiple timescales whilst holding it simultaneously in the mind’s eye.

From the calcium carbonate in our teeth and bones, to the iron in our blood, humans too are geologic agents. We bend and shape our environment by leaving scars that impact our planet’s fragile ecosystems. By proposing we rethink our relation to temporality, the exhibition positions deep time as a vantage point which is no longer bound to the dominating constructs of capitalist time, the brief time we live, or even to the extended time of our species. A geological worldview restores attention to the way in which human and non-human agencies are all wrapped together, and points towards a more plurally determined existence.

Exhibiting artists: Lydia Brockless, Ilana Halperin, Geistė Marija Kinčinaitytė, Matthew Needham​, Josephine Pryde, Georgia Somerville Watts and​ Maël Traïca.
​Curated by Berta Zubrickaitė, produced in collaboration with HOXTON 253.

The exhibition programme includes:
▸ Opening reception: 3rd March 5-9pm / drinks sponsored by Asahi Super Dry
▸ Solar Dyeing with Plants workshop: 12th March 11:30am-1pm or 2pm-3:30pm
▸ Cut, pile, shift, disrupt! Deep Time Thinking Through Collage workshop: 19th March 10am-12pm
▸ Thematic Life Drawing event: 22nd March 7-9pm

For more information and to RSVP the live events please visit

Exhibition runs: 4-27 March 2022 / Wed to Fri 12-7pm, Sat & Sun 11-6pm​

The exhibition and associated programme are supported by Hello Again, Hackney, the borough’s cultural reopening initiative.

HOXTON 253 art project space
Hoxton Street
N1 5LG

The exhibition programme includes:
▸ Opening reception: 3rd March 5-9pm / drinks sponsored by Asahi Super Dry
▸ Solar Dyeing with Plants workshop: 12th March 11:30am-1pm or 2pm-3:30pm
▸ Cut, pile, shift, disrupt! Deep Time Thinking Through Collage workshop: 19th March 10am-12pm
▸ Thematic Life Drawing event: 22nd March 7-9pm

For more information and to RSVP the live events please visit

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