More in Women’s Spring Open Exhibition

192-196 Hanbury Street, London E1 5HU, United Kingdom

Women’s Spring Open Exhibition

Brady Arts Centre

8 March - 23 March

The Women’s Spring Open Exhibition is a fantastic group show at the Brady Arts and Community Centre. The immense response to the callout showcases the diverse output from across the generations. It celebrates the talent and creativity of the many participating artists, both amateur and professional, all of whom have connections to Tower Hamlets.

Submissions are more figurative than abstract and more fine-art focused than applied arts. The non-specific brief in terms of theme led to a variety of subjects. Some works are inspired by nature and the landscape. Some are portraits. Some are cityscapes. These convey a sense of place. They document the activity in the borough as well as the historical layers of the area. Some are topical (The Migration Crisis). Some images are monochrome, some use soft and soothing palettes and some are riots of colour.

The work includes pastels and watercolours, prints and collages, acrylics, photography and more. From haunting to serene and contemplative, all evoke states of mind. They demonstrate bold expression, keen observation and confident mark-making.

It is part of Women’s History Month.

192-196 Hanbury Street, E1 5HU

Opening reception: 7th March, 6-8 pm

This is a chance to take advantage of the building’s late opening hours and catch a preview of the exhibition which opens fully on International Women’s Day. There will also be the opportunity to meet some of the artists.

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