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Four artists from Gallery’s summer exhibition The London Open 2018 were invited to lead one day workshops exploring their practice.

Gabriella Boyd challenged participants to create paintings from short stories based on a word, phrase or sentence.

Alexis Teplin asked the group to bring objects to break apart; these became materials for making new sculptures collaboratively.

Inspired by ideas on labour and brick making processes, the group transformed the Creative Studio into a miniature alternative cityscape of the capital using London Eocine Brick Clay with Rachel Pimm.

Drawing on the board game ‘Roots and Bootstraps- A working class woman’s journey towards middle class feminism’ in Andrea Luka Zimmerman’s installation, the group developed board games exploring social media, teenage life, identity and gender.

On the final day, the group curated an interactive pop-up display of their work and led tours of The London Open.

The Youth Summer Programme is generously supported by Capital Group.

Read the participants’  blog on the week.