• Group of young people embrace around DJ decks. They are stood in front of colourful framed artwork.

    Jazz Noble

  • Group of young people seen from behind looking at a wall of sculptural masks

    Nina Robinson

  • CABC Promo 2_Justyna Fedec_31
  • Picture of a workshop with Hato Press

Young people collaborate with artists and other creative practitioners on week-long projects.

The Contemporary Art Week series offers a unique opportunity to meet and work with artists, experiment with new skills and materials, and gain behind the scenes insight into Whitechapel Gallery.


A group of young adults holding a banner with spray painted images and words such as

Contemporary Art Week 2023: Liv Wynter

A week exploring art, and how to create a better, safer world for each other with artist Liv Wynter and artists from their live art night How to Catch a Pig.

Photo of young people picking up clay from a packet they are stood in a circle around

Contemporary Art Week 2022: The London Open

A week of experimenting with different artforms, featuring guest workshops by The London Open 2022 artists Sandi Hudson-Francis, Abbas Zahedi, and William Cobbing.

photo of young people smiling at a creative workshop

Creative Careers Week 2021

A week of workshops exploring building a creative future, with artists and speakers including Hudda Khaireh, bare minimum collective, and Whitechapel Gallery staff.

Whitechapel Gallery Contemporary Art Boot Camp Friday (High Res)-154

Contemporary Art Week 2019: Creative Careers

A week of learning about creative careers through talks, visits and workshops with Whitechapel Gallery staff and industry professionals.

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Contemporary Art Week 2018: The London Open

Artists Gabriela Boyd, Alexis Teplin, Rachel Pimm and Andrea Luka- Zimmerman led one day workshops on their practice. Participants experimented with artistic concepts and processes including painting, sculpture, mixed-media installation and creating board games.

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Contemporary Art Week 2017: Jordi Ferreiro

Spanish artist Jordi Ferreiro introduced participants to performance art through games and play leading to the creation of site-specific pieces in the Gallery and on Whitechapel High Street.


Hato Press at the Whitechapel Gallery

Contemporary Art Week 2016: Hato Press

Working with Graphic Design studio Hato Press, young people explored colour and design through typography, risograph printing and bookbinding.


Contemporary Art Week 2015: The London Open

Artists Sam Curtis, Caroline Walker, The Grantchester Pottery, Emma Hart and Dominic Hawgood led day-long workshops exploring their practice.