Sherrie Levine, Fountain (Buddha): 5, 1996, cast bronze 42.5 x 40 x 30 cm, ©Sherrie Levine. Courtesy Paula Cooper Gallery, New York

Keeping it Real: An Exhibition in Four Acts

Act 1: The Corporeal

10 Jun - 5 Sep 2010

Keeping it Real: An Exhibition in Four Acts

Act 2: Subversive Abstraction

17 Sep - 5 Dec 2010

BCT Image 2

British Council Collection


9 Jan - 14 Mar 2010

Hepworth Barbara-P313 Maquette for Winged Figure 1957

I shake you by the hand, comrade Bacon

British Art Abroad

19 Dec - 14 Mar 2010

liam-gillick- social-sculpture-2009

Social Sculpture

5 Apr - 31 Dec 2012


Isa Genzken

Open, Sesame!

5 Apr - 21 Jun 2009


The Bloomberg Commission: Goshka Macuga

The Nature of the Beast

5 Apr - 4 Apr 2010



Great Early Buys from the British Council Collection

5 Apr - 14 Jun 2009