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Archive Holdings contains documents of various categories, media, and formats, from the 1880s until the present. Primarily they reflect the history of the Whitechapel Gallery but can also be used for research in other fields such as the local history of the East End, the history of British and international art, and social history. All documents in the Archive are open to the general public. Third-party copyrights protect some and can’t be copied or reproduced by the Archive customers, but they still can be seen and explored by visiting the Reading Room.
You can see details and images of archived documents in various categories if you left-click by placing your mouse over the appropriate image on this page. Although some pages are still under construction, they do provide some useful information.
More details can be found in the Catalogue, which is available online HERE. We are currently unable to host public researchers in the Archive as we recruit a new Archivist. We plan to resume access by summer 2025.