Whitechapel Gallery Venue Hire - Filming and Photography
Photo of Giulio Paolini artwork in the gallery

Commercial use

The Whitechapel Gallery’s versatile spaces are available for commercial filming and photo-shoots before 11am and after 6pm, Tuesday – Sunday. The Gallery is closed on a Monday, when all day access can be granted on request.

Commercial filming and photography requests should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the proposed date, where possible.

A fee will apply, rates for long filming periods are negotiable.

Press filming and photography

We allow filming and photography for press coverage of the Gallery, including temporary exhibitions.

Please note the gallery is open to the public from 11am – 6pm, Tuesday-Sunday and therefore generally we cannot arrange filming during this time, though we may be able to provide access if filming causes minimal disruption.


Contact us

Commercial filming or photography

E: hire@whitechapelgallery.org

T: +44 (0)20 7539 3325

Press enquiries

E: press@whitechapelgallery.org